Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Okay so the cat is finally out of the bag... If you have not guessed by my how many times I said looking at food makes me nauseous, I have been feeling sick, and how tired I am, or the lack of recent posts....  I am pregnant!!!  I will not lie it has been a little rough.    I am hoping to be back in the saddle again soon.  I have actually not stopped cooking completely, I have cooked and even documented it, but lacking the ambition to rewrite about what I ate and how it was so good.  Recipes are coming though for sure I have about 20 new dishes sitting in my camera waiting to be edited and written up.  Just give me a little time and they will be up.  Thanks for your support!


  1. YAY! Congrats! Hope the nausea goes away soon though for ya! :)

  2. Congrats! That is exciting news!

  3. CONGRATS NICOLE!!! How exciting!! : ) Sorry about the 'morning sickness' part! NO FUN! I was sooooooooo sick with my little boy when I was prego with him. It was terrible, but definatley worth it! So happy for you : )

  4. Congratulations - and here's to hoping your nausea goes away soon!

  5. Congrats once again! I'm impressed you're still cooking! I think I gave that up for the first fourteen weeks of my pregnancies.

  6. Aww congrats! I'am also pregnant! This is my first, and it's actually felt like a breeze so far, except for the tiredness early on and now I'm dealing with severe nasal congestion..no fun! I'am due on the 4th of July, so I'm about half way there! I love your recipes and wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy! :)

  7. Congratulations!! What a trooper to have 20 recipes to share--even through morning sickness! That is impressive! Hang in there:)

  8. I just found your blog and became your newest follower! :) Love your blog!


